субота, 25. фебруар 2017.

2K17 Trends

2016. was a good year for fashion, We saw some good and some trends that we hope will stay In 2016. I saw few trends for 2017. and  I was pretty much impressed so I wanted to share It with you! 


I LOOOVE this so much! All three looks are so crazy but still very high fashion. Colors are great, and even If there are so much different colors they all work together and look gorgeous. I always loved stripes and I'm glad that I will be seeing them In 2017. What I also love about this Is that when I look at this picture I just can't tell which look Is my favorite, they are all so different and beautiful.


This Is very cute. Crop tops were big trend In 2016. and this Is kinda upgraded version of them. All of those looks are great styled and I love how you can style them how ever you want and wear them to the beach or club! They are very adaptable and that's great.


YES, YES and YES! My favorite trend out of 3! All of them are so beautiful and fashionable, red carpet or everyday, It's your choice. My personal favorite Is definitely second look. Shape, colors, everything Is on point! Those are really interesting and I can easily see Gigi Hadid rocking this on some event!

петак, 24. фебруар 2017.


Hello guys, this Is my first post on this blog so I want to kinda introduce myself.
My name Is Luka and soon I will be seventeen years old. I love drawing, writting, photographing... I also love fashion! On this blog I will write mostly about fashion and my opinions on something. Also I'm from Serbia so should I also write in Serbian? Comment bellow!

Follow me on instagram - @bogdanovic_l